

Mission Statement

Smithfield City Police Department is an integral part of Smithfield’s growing community.  Our mission is to labor effectively as team members in partnership with all who reside or are located in Smithfield, and its greater area, to promote and sustain the distinguished quality of life enjoyed so much in this valley by anticipating and responding to the community’s need for peace and security, relief and emergency assistance, education and awareness, public service, and law enforcement.


The members of the Smithfield City Police Department are dedicated to conducting ourselves in the most ethical and professional manner.  Individual and collective values are motivated by our deepest desire to act honorably in all matters of public trust.  Our foremost values are trust, honesty, initiative, creativity, dependability, liberty, fairness, and compassion with our principle value being life and human dignity. The services we render are based upon the continuing development of our skills, knowledge, experience, insights, ingenuity, and training so that our actions will always demonstrate our integrity.


All Forms can be emailed to info@smithfieldpd.net for your convenience.

Travis Allen Photo Travis Allen Chief (435) 563-8501 tallen@smithfieldutah.gov
Brandon Douglas Picture Brandon Douglas Patrol Sergeant (435) 563-8501 bdouglas@smithfieldutah.gov
Fraud Hotline (435) 792-7990 info@smithfieldutah.gov