Impact Fee Analysis
Smithfield City, Utah intends to commence the preparation of independent and comprehensive Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Written Impact Fee Analysis for Parks, Water, and Storm Water and therefore, pursuant to the provisions of 11-36a-501 and 503 of the Utah Code notice is hereby provided to you of the intent of Smithfield City to prepare an Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Written Analysis. The impact fee service area for this analysis and the geographic area where the proposed impact fee facilities will be located includes the entire City boundaries. The impact fees to be considered will be charged to new development and used to offset the cost of capital facilities needed to serve new development. Those receiving this notice are invited to provide information to be considered in preparing the impact fee facilities plan or written analysis of proposed impact fees. For information about the Impact Fee Facilities Plan or Impact Fee Analysis, please contact City Recorder Justin Lewis at 96 South Main, Smithfield, UT 84335 or by e-mail at Any information received should be provided in writing.