Public Hearing - 11/15/23 6:45 P.M. - Ord 23-31 (Planning Commission) - Subdivision Process
The Smithfield City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at the City Office Building located at 96 South Main, Smithfield, Utah no sooner than 6:45 P.M. The public hearing is for the purpose of discussing Ordinance 23-31, an Ordinance amending the Smithfield City Municipal Code Title 16 “Subdivision Regulations”, Chapter 16.05 “Concept Plan”, Sections 16.050.010 “Purpose”, 16.05.020 “Application and Fees”, 16.05.030 “Concept Plan Submittal”, 16.05.040 “Subdivision Technical Review Committee”, Chapter 16.12 “Final Plats”, Sections 16.12.010 “Purpose”, 16.12.020 “Filing Deadline, Application, and Fees”, 16.12.030 “Preparation and Required Information”, 16.12.040 “Review by the City Engineer”, 16.12.050 “Planning Commission Action”, 16.12.070 “Review by the City Council”, 16.12.080 “Recording of the Final Plat”, 16.12.090 “Expiration of Final Approval”, Chapter 16.04 “General Provisions”, Sections 16.04.030 “Definitions”, 16.04.050 “General Responsibilities”, Chapter 16.07 “Major Subdivisions”, Sections 16.07.010 “Purpose”, 16.07.030 “Preliminary Plat”, 16.07.040 “Final Plat”, 16.07.050 “Improvements”, Chapter 16.06 “Minor Subdivisions”, Sections 16.06.040 “Procedure”, 16.06.050 “Approval of the Minor Subdivision”, 16.06.060 “Disapproval by the City Council”, 16.06.070 “Required Improvements”, 16.06.080 “Recording of Plat or Filing of Record Survey”, Chapter 16.09 “Preliminary Plats”, Sections 16.09.010 “Purpose”, 16.09.020 “Application and Fees”, 16.09.030 “Preliminary Plat Required Information”, and 16.09.040 “Approval of Preliminary Plat”.